(Please see the earlier post titled "The Basics of Chakras" for a basic understanding of the Chakra system)
Found in the center of your head, parallel to the middle of your eyebrows, the Third Eye Chakra is the energy center where we surrender fully to a higher power and purpose.
Quiet your mind and connect with the heart. What is between the Third eye and the heart? The Throat Chakra. When the third eye and the heart are balanced, the only thing that can come out of the throat chakra is the beautifully spoken expression. The past is no longer important here if you’ve done the work.
Open up the third eye by seeing with your heart!
COLOR: Indigo
ELEMENT: Ether, or all of the elements
PLANET: Saturn
SACRED GEOMETRY: Knowledge of life - Metatron's Cube
PLATONIC SOLID: Dodecahedron
TAROT: The Star and the Moon
NUMBER: 7 - finding wisdom and acquiring deep knowledge about the nature of things. It wants to probe deep beyond the surface and discover the secrets of life. This number represents the thinker, philosopher, scientist and mystic. In other words: the seeker of Truth
OIL: Peppermint, Rosemary, Lavender, Eucalyptus
STONES AND CRYSTALS: Iolite, Amethyst, Sugilite, Charoite, Purple Fluorite, Tanzanite. Lepidolite
SHABD SOUND: Bells and space
SACRED BELIEF: Inner Vision of Christ Consciousness
FOOD: Feasts for the Eyes! Colorful and Healthy Foods.
Suggested Meditation:
Shine an indigo light in the room if you have one
Play 852 hz Solfeggio music (easy Youtube search)
Focus on indigo light from the divine pouring into your soul through your head and down through your Chakras, reaching down to the center of the Earth and back up to the Third Eye Chakra.
Chakra's spin so you want to visualize it spinning out and away from you, like the shape of a funnel or a cone with the open side away from you.
Use any and all of the afore mentioned items to assist you in your meditation.
Remember, intention and belief is key!